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Feeling very tired? Spring asthenia may be the “guilty” one.

Have you been feeling very tired lately? As spring approaches, some people feel more tired than usual. It's my case... The “guilty” may be spring asthenia.

I will try to help you understand what it is and how to act. Most of us are surprised when spring arrives and the long-awaited good weather, we feel more tired than usual. The truth is that the arrival of this season, with the consequent climate changes, can give rise to the so-called "spring asthenia", whose symptoms can include most of the time:

  • Lack of energy and sleep disturbances
  • Difficulties in concentration and memory
  • Irritability
  • Decreased libido
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Allergies
  • Heavy body feeling

It is also at this period that the time change occurs and can be the cause of the fatigue that many of us feel at this season. This is because, although there are those who adapt to the new schedule within one to two days, I, for example, have greater difficulties in doing it and it takes longer.

Another cause that leads to this fatigue is the fact that the days are longer, so we certainly stay active until later. Some even choose to go to the gym later, which is not always a good option, as the practice of high-intensity activity close to bedtime can interfere with the time it takes to fall asleep.

Of course, there are still other reasons for this asthenia throughout the year, but at this stage, together with those mentioned above, they enhance this feeling. A diet low in vitamins and minerals, a day to day with exaggerated stress and a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to the development of spring asthenia.

Likewise, allergies, being more common in spring, can also be the cause of asthenia, even interfering with sleep. What to do? If you identify with the symptoms associated with spring asthenia, follow these tips:

  • Eat a balanced and varied diet, rich in fruits and vegetables. Avoid consumption of processed foods, fried foods, fast food, foods and drinks that contain sugar
  • Don't consume too much caffeine, the temptation of coffee is too much.
  • Split meals, not fasting for more than 3 hours
  • Practice physical exercise regularly, preferably in the morning or late afternoon; the practice of physical exercise increases the production of endorphins that promote the feeling of well-being
  • Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night
  • Drink between 1.5L to 2L of water daily
  • Learn to manage stress: plan your day well, set priorities and share tasks
  • Take that supplement you've always taken and give you an energy boost (subject to medical advice)

We advise that in case of persistent symptoms of spring asthenia you should consult your doctor to exclude and treat other pathologies.


Taking nutritional supplements should be accompanied by consultation with your attending physician.

My personal choice in case of despair is without a doubt Procerebro Forte. knew more here.

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